Collect a Whole Bunch of Unique On-topic Content: "Succesful Web sites provide their visitors with a whole bunch of unique content. Search engines, designed to find valuable content for their users, send most of their free traffic to content rich Web sites.
You need awesome content to catch users, and you must update your Web site frequently to build recurring traffic. That is users bookmarking your site, syndicating your RSS feeds, subscribing to your newsletters, emailing your URLs to their friends and linking to you on their home pages.
Search engines will recognize your update frequency, crawl your fresh content and updated index pages daily, and will send you even more free traffic. Editors of Web directories more likely list active Web sites. Webmasters of related sites do link to well maintained sites, often without request. Users of social bookmarking services and other Web communities like message boards tend to ignore static Web sites, but they do recommend great places. "